IMDB: 7.9/10
In the midst of the Russian Revolution of 1905, the crew of the battleship Potemkin mutiny against the brutal, tyrannical regime of the vessel's officers. The resulting street demonstration in Odessa brings on a police massacre.
IMDB: 6.9/10
In 1960s Germany, criminal mastermind Dr. Mabuse uses hypnotized victims and the surveillance equipment of a Nazi-era bugged hotel to steal nuclear technology from a visiting American industrialist.
IMDB: 8.0/10
A technical malfunction sends American bombers to Moscow to deliver a nuclear attack. Can all-out war be averted?
IMDB: 3.7/10
Awaiting the completion of their new beach house, a family decides to stay in an abandoned mansion that is rumored to be the home of the terrifying 'Aswang.' The Philippines has several legends, but this by far is the scariest.
IMDB: 6.3/10
To avoid a death sentence for her prior acts of bloodshed, the vengeful swordswoman Lady Snowblood is conscripted by the Japanese Secret Police to assassinate political dissidents.
IMDB: 3.8/10
After leaving a New Year's Eve party, Kevin (Al Santos) and Tiffany (Sandra McCoy) find themselves battling the elements as well as inner demons as they try to make their way out of the deep forest.