Maguma taishi
Year: 1966
Plot: Based on the manga by Osamu Tezuka, Magma, a long-haired golden transforming giant, helps young boy Mamoru Murakami and his news reporter father Atsushi save our world from space invader Goa and his legion of henchmen and giant mo...
IMDB: 7.2
- 07 - The Victorious Creature
- 11 - Clash of the Mammoth Creature
- 09 - The Terrifying Lugo-Men
- 01 - Rodak
- 20 - The Clash
- 41 - The Shock of Gahna
- 03 - Attack of the Molesaurus
- 38 - Explosion
- 17 - Rachitis Attacks
- 15 - Terror from Outer Space
- 19 The Deadly Drox
- 51 - The Mightiest Creature of All
- 23 - The Wild Creature
- 25 - Invaders From a Far Planet
- 14 - Taron
- 02 - The Subterranean Menace
- 16 - Battle of the Titans
- 52 - Showdown
- 03 Gam! Derrote Mognes [ガム! モグネスを倒せ]
- 02 Ataque do Monstro Espacial Mognes [宇宙怪獣モグネス襲来す]
- 47 Monstro Eletromagn
- 46 Monstro Umibozu Contra Magma [怨霊怪獣海坊主対マグマ大使]
- 04 Crise em T
- 20 Luta Mortal dos Monstros [死闘・二大怪獣!]
- 19 Opera
- 08 O Fim de Badra [バドラの最後]
- 26 Opera
- 27 Mate o Traidor Sartan [裏切り者サルタンを殺せ]
- 29 Magma Taishi e a Est
- 28 O Fim do Monstro Dakoda [怪獣ダコーダの最期]
- 05 Nasce o Monstro Badra [怪獣バドラ誕生す]
- 07 Magma Taishi Est