Groove Adventure Rave
Year: 2001
Plot: Haru Glory is a boy who lives with his sister, Cattleya, in Garage Island. After fishing out a thing called Plue, he meets Shiba who entrusted him with Rave Stone or more known as Holy Bring. From there on, he embarks on a quest l...
IMDB: 6.7
- [AWF]Groove Adventure Rave - 16
- [AWF]Groove Adventure Rave - 06
- [AWF]Groove Adventure Rave - 14
- [AWF]Groove Adventure Rave - 10
- Groove Adventure Rave - 07
- [AWF]Groove Adventure Rave - 02
- Groove Adventure Rave - 03
- Groove Adventure Rave - 01
- Groove Adventure Rave - 05
- [AWF]Groove Adventure Rave - 15
- [AWF]Groove Adventure Rave - 17
- [AWF]Groove Adventure Rave - 12
- Groove Adventure Rave - 12
- [AWF]Groove Adventure Rave - 18
- [AWF]Groove Adventure Rave - 08
- [AWF]Groove Adventure Rave - 01
- Groove Adventure Rave - 09
- Groove Adventure Rave - 11
- [AWF]Groove Adventure Rave - 04
- Groove Adventure Rave - 08
- Groove Adventure Rave - 04
- [AWF]Groove Adventure Rave - 11
- [AWF]Groove Adventure Rave - 05