IMDB: 7.7/10
Harry Potter is tasked with the dangerous and seemingly impossible task of locating and destroying Voldemort's remaining Horcruxes. Harry must rely on Ron and Hermione more than ever, but dark forces threaten to tear them apart.
IMDB: 7.1/10
When Tony Stark's world is torn apart by a formidable terrorist called the Mandarin, he starts an odyssey of rebuilding and retribution.
IMDB: 7.2/10
When a powerful secret defense system is stolen, James Bond is assigned to stop a Russian crime syndicate from using it.
IMDB: 6.2/10
A brutal land baron massacres a Gypsy clan claiming his land, unleashing a curse that brings monstrous consequences to his village.
IMDB: 6.8/10
A cryptic message from James Bond's past sends him on a trail to uncover the existence of a sinister organisation named SPECTRE. With a new threat dawning, Bond learns the terrible truth about the author of all his pain in his mos...
IMDB: 9.0/10
When a menace known as the Joker wreaks havoc and chaos on the people of Gotham, Batman, James Gordon and Harvey Dent must work together to put an end to the madness.
IMDB: 6.8/10
Agent J travels in time to M.I.B.'s early days in 1969 to stop an alien from assassinating his friend Agent K and changing history.