IMDB: 7.5/10
A sharp-witted Marine veteran becomes a private investigator in Portland, Oregon, where she takes care of her brother who has Down syndrome.
IMDB: 7.8/10
An ordinary girl is admitted to the most prestigious school in the country where she encounters F4, an exclusive group comprised of the four wealthiest and handsomest boys in the school - Dao Ming Si, Hua Ze Lei, Xi Men and Mei Zuo.
IMDB: 7.5/10
A broken marriage leads to a bitter custody battle with an embattled son at the centre.
IMDB: 7.3/10
Antonia Brico dreams of becoming a conductor, but she isn't taken seriously because she is a woman.
IMDB: 7.3/10
When aspiring actor Greg Sestero meets the weird and mysterious Tommy Wiseau in an acting class, they form a unique friendship and travel to Hollywood to make their dreams come true.