IMDB: 5.9/10
In the distant future, Earth is occupied by ancient gods and genetically altered humans. When a god is sentenced to death he seeks a new human host and a woman to bear his child.
IMDB: 5.7/10
In Istanbul, terrorists abduct executives, blow-up the car of a journalist and plan five great attacks to the city. The violent police officer Firat Baran interrogates a terrorist and informs that the responsible for the attacks i...
IMDB: 6.7/10
While protecting a signatory to a peace treaty between their peoples, a male human and a female demon discover that their mutual attraction may be the key to unifying their worlds.
IMDB: 7.5/10
A group of assassins come together for a suicide mission to kill an evil lord.
IMDB: 8.0/10
Intertwining tales of love, greed, and secret identities in Charles Dickens's 1860s London.
IMDB: 7.1/10
An account of Baron Munchausen's supposed travels and fantastical experiences across late 18th-century Europe with his band of misfits.