Bokutachi no koukan nikki

IMDB: 6.8/10

The story revolves around two struggling comics, Takashi Komoto (Keisuke Koide) and Yohei Tanaka (Atsushi Ito), who have been performing together as a manzai comedy duo called "Boso Swimmers" for the past 12 years with very little...

Tôkyô kazoku

IMDB: 7.5/10

In this update of Yasujiro Ozu's "Tokyo Story", a retired schoolteacher and his wife visit their three working children in modern-day Tokyo.


IMDB: 7.2/10

The Aso family live in the old town of Nara. One Day, Kei, one of the Aso's twin boys suddenly disappears. Five years later seventeen-year old Shun, the remaining twin, is an art student. He now has to move forward with his life, ...

Fædre & mødre

IMDB: 5.9/10

A married couple who have to navigate hierarchy, rivalry and hidden agendas at their daughter's new school, including during a popular school camping trip.


IMDB: 5.5/10

A vacationing woman meets her ideal man, leading to a swift marriage. Back at home, however, their idyllic life is upset when they discover their neighbors could be assassins who have been contracted to kill the couple.