Incredibles 2

Incredibles 2

Year: 2018
Plot: The Incredibles family takes on a new mission which involves a change in family roles: Bob Parr (Mr. Incredible) must manage the house while his wife Helen (Elastigirl) goes out to save the world.
IMDB: 7.5
HI | Official subtitles, not a transcript with missing lines and wrong inputs | Works with all HDCAM/HDTC versions that run for 01:55:06 -- Please don't reupload on Subscene and give credit where it's due. Thanks!
Download: 977
3 out of 5

Subtitle suitable for releases

  • The.Incredibles.2.2018.FULL.HDCAM.x264-24HD
  • Incredibles.2.2018.HDTC.XViD.AC3-ETRG
  • Incredibles.2.2018.720p.HD-TC.X264.AC3-24HD
  • Incredibles.2.2018.NEW.HDCAM.XViD.AC3-ETRG
  • Incredibles.2.2018.HDCAM.x264.EN.New.Source-Starshade
  • Incredibles.2.2018.FULL.HDCAM.x264.ENG.MP3.With.Sample.LLG